I = Intelligent
T = Tenacious
C = Creative
H = Honest
"Embracing your inner bitch...means that you're being strong and honest with yourself and those around you, and I think that's a good thing."
Thanks to Tabatha for that!
Yeah, you heard me. I'm back. But on a very limited basis.
Since I stopped writing in February I can't tell you how many readers left comments on Facebook or wrote to me asking me to start writing again -- or to write for their online yoga mags. It seriously overwhelmed me. Goddess bless you all!
I've decided to reopen this blog to post about SPECIAL TOPICS such as my upcoming trainings in teaching yoga to trauma survivors, a weekend with Gary Kraftsow, a week with Mark Whitwell, and a weekend with Erich Schiffman.
We'll see how it goes, but I'm no longer into the blah blah blah of the modern yoga scene. It bores me.
The ayurveda teacher in my last training at the Mandiram said that a yogi is one whose prana is contained and doesn't let it leak out with unnecessary blah blah blah (among other things.) Hence, "shut up and do your practice." So no more snaps of my tats. Hey, I SAID TATS!
Others can write about the usual yoga suspects. Like Lululemon pants, how yoga makes you sexy, or a celebrity doing yoga on the beach. Whatever.
I remember what Kausthub Desikachar told us: if we do not teach others what we have learned we are nothing more than thieves.
I'm no thief. I'm a B.I.T.C.H.
Stay tuned.