
17 September 2008

Ma India, take me home

As I've mentioned time and again on this blog, ever since I returned from my first trip to India in 2005 there has never been a day that I do not think of India. it can be a child's face that flashes through my mind, or something I learned in my yoga classes there, or a smell that makes me remember where I was when I first smelled that smell. a soap or a spice will bring me back. even the clothes that I bought in India still smell "like India." I brought back a supply of my favorite shampoo and sometimes I sit on my bathroom floor, open up a bottle and sniff...sometimes I cry on my bathroom floor.

I came across the blog of a professional photographer -- the photographs of India and Indians are beautiful, so I've posted this video he took in Chennai in 2006. I've been to Chennai three times and I've never visited Marina Beach. I've been on the beach in Pondicherry and Rameswaram but never time.

I want to, need to, return to India so badly. now that I am going through some rough emotional times I think even more about being in India, maybe for 6 months out of the year. India is the only place that heals my soul. an Indian friend told me that my heart is calling me to India because I am missing something here that I need very badly.

a regular reader of this blog and his wife will study yoga at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram for one month later this year and then travel to my favorite temple towns. email discussions of their itinerary make my heart ache -- I was in Tamil Nadu in January and I can still feel the temple ground beneath my bare feet, the sun on my bare arms, the smell of jasmine in my hair, and the touch of shakti all around me as I sat in temples. even though I returned from India this year sicker than a mangy Indian street dog, I was home less than a week when I started dreaming those Tamil Nadu dreams.

I want to go home. jai Kali ma, take me home.


  1. Hi Linda,
    (sorry for my poor english)...
    I understand you so much...i was in India for the first time last february... and stayed for a little more than a month...i can´t describe my was so strong.. my connection with the people, children and culture.. i´m counting the minutes... i need, i must go again.. and again ... and again...and i´m sure i will... thanks for your inspiring blog!

  2. and thank YOU for reading! you'll get back -- those of us to whom India feels like home will always go back, nothing can stop us....

  3. As an American born Indian who recently spent a month traveling all over India, especially Tamil Nadu, I can relate. There is a magic about that part of this world that words cannot describe.

  4. Hi Linda,
    Thank you for visiting India. I am proud to know your feelings about my country.

    I have a blog too on tribes of India. Please feel free to come and get knowledge about Indian tribes and culture.

    Please visit: Tribes of India

  5. Your blog is so great, as always, Linda!

    I am sorry you are having a hard time emotionally. I will hold you in my practice.

  6. Thanks for the link, Linda. I'm glad you liked the video!

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your personal difficulties. May your path lighten soon. As always, I so enjoyed reading your post and now I have a new blog of photos to explore. Thank you.

  8. your post made me cry...
    we are so alike on this subject of India! just like you i think about India everyday of my life..and will be going back in February~
    5 trips in 6 MUST be love! and home!

  9. I googled "take me to India" and here is your blog... astonishing and I wonder since how long ago humanity born out of India has been attracted to it. I also feel the parting need to go back to India every day, but, unlike most of you, I never did feel at home in India. It is the land where I feel that everything is possible and the true nature of a smile comes to live.

  10. Hello Linda,
    As I read your post, my heart was aching, too,......for you and for me. I haven't been (yet) but it is my dream to go. Ever since I read the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa Yogananda, I almost feel like I have visited India through his beautiful poetic descriptions of his travels and visits with the saints. You must read the book, if you haven't! You won't be disappointed.
    Blessings to you,

  11. so emotive,i transpose myself to india in my dayli meditation, inspirational pictures and video thanks

  12. who can ever forget the poetry of everyday life and the butterfly colours of the saris fluttering thru the streets! I am inspired everyday by the memories of smiles from people with so little but in reality so much!!
    Blessings to you all


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