
13 April 2009

I am blessed.... have such readers.

Kevin is a long-time reader and has always been very supportive of my cathartic rants and musings about yoga. As what sometimes happens in the online world, we struck up an email correspondence about all things yoga. In fact, Kevin and his wife Erin had also planned to visit the ashram in South India where I was originally scheduled to spend two months but life gets in the way and they had to change their plans -- so Kevin generously donated their deposit for my stay. I was overwhelmed by his gesture considering that we have never met. I will say again that I am always amazed at the support I've received in the global yoga community through this blog compared to my local "yoga community." And those of you who have read about my misadventures with local studio owners know what I'm talking about.

Kevin and Erin have relocated to Mexico and have started blogging -- Kevin and Erin in Mexico. So I was again overwhelmed to read Kevin's latest post:

"How could I mention India without mentioning.....?

That "yoga and meditation" (if one has the hard-to-come-by understanding of what yoga actually is, pre-spandex and pre-group class zombie world) is a redundant phrase - and that if you want to learn why that is so, and so much else about yoga, meditation, life, music, great writing, wicked humor and what it means to really love India you must check out this blog:

Linda's Yoga Journey

I find Linda's depth and breadth of experience, writing chops and fearlessness very inspiring, and have learned (and continue to learn) so much about all of the above topics from her. Her blog is beautiful in so many ways, and a portal to a vast array of positive things going on in the world. Check it out."

Wow, wow, wow. I am not only blessed but also humbled. Out of everything that he said, I am most touched that Kevin thinks I'm fearless, more so than being considered a good writer.

I want to take this time to thank Kevin and Erin and ALL my long-time readers -- and I know who my regular readers are even if you never comment -- for putting up with these "cathartic musings and occasional rants about my trips to India to study my heart's passion, and my sweet adventures along the yoga path."

I also want to thank all of the yoga bloggers who have put this blog on your blogrolls. I can tell from my site meter how people find me and I am amazed at how many blogs I'm linked to so mucho thanks for the link love!

May you all know happiness and the causes of happiness.
May you all be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.
May you all never be parted from freedom's true joy.
May you all dwell in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion.

a-salaam aleikum
so shall it be.


  1. You are amazing, a real Yogini. You deserve this and so much more!

    Om Shanti


  2. love given out will always return, you give much love.
    i always enjoy your blog posts.

    a-salaam aleikum
    so shall it be.


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