
06 November 2009

decisions, decisions....

Hmmmm....should I blog about teaching in Tanzania to global yogis....

...or totally disappear once I hit blogging, no Facebook updates, no tweets (which I'm beginning to think tweeting is a huge waste of time anyway.)

The Yoga Adventure in Africa is sold out -- but no one from here (USA) is going. Too outside the box and (I'm assuming) too expensive to get to Africa. That is too bad because that means no money whatsoever for the eye clinic in Moshi, Tanzania (except my donation.) I had hoped that enough people from here would have signed up to give Seva $1,080.00. I sent my business newsletter announcing the trip to over 100 people all over the country. YogaChicago magazine (where I placed my ad) has a circulation of over 25,000 readers. A few bloggers (you know who you are! thank you again!) wrote about the trip. In spite of all that, no American takers.

However, within two days of an email announcement, a dozen people from the Tanzanian yoga community signed up. We only have room for 15, so that's 12, my friend who organized it, her friend who owns the property where I will teach, and me. Full...and me bringing yin yoga to Africa. Paul Grilley told me, "you go, girl!" I'm global, baby.

A friend told me I might fall in love with Africa the way I did with India. I'm not ruling it out...because I've asked Maithri if I could teach yoga to HIV/AIDS patients in Swaziland.

Hmmmmm....I like going off the grid....

I step onto the plane in 60 days.


  1. Well, I hope you'll decide to write some blogs at least. Yours is one of the first sites I alway check in the morning to see if there's anything new.

    Bob Weisenberg

  2. See how you feel. I know from the last few months, with intensity of the thesis writing, there's no way I have anything left for blogging. Just play it by ear, day by day, and see how you feel.


  3. While I would like updates, it might be more fun for you to just fall off the grid for a while, and immerse yourself in Tanzania. Plus, is there reliable electricity? Internet? You may find it difficult to get online anyway.

  4. Forget social networking. Just immerse yourself in your work and have a great time!! FYI, I don't think going to Tanzania is "too out of the box" and I'm sorry you couldn't get anyone from here to go. These are difficult times, and some of us actually have loved ones also out of the box --in Afghanistan serving in the war.

  5. You're going to love Africa! My son was born there and it is an amazing place - such variety, such depth, so many ways to give and learn together. It will change your life and you'll always want to return.

  6. thanks, Donna! my astrologer told me I will "die" in India and be reborn in Africa....we'll see...


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