
29 March 2010


On page 53 of the latest Yoga Journal there's an ad for Slim Quick Ultra Calorie Burner to lose weight. In the same issue there is a story that the healing power of yoga will cure what ails America without pills or surgery.

Some magazines don't accept advertising for products that are anathema to their magazine's philosophy.

Apparently Yoga Journal does not have those same advertising ethics.

It would have been funnier if the ad was on a page that faced a story about yoga being about learning how to accept yourself and how you are perfect in this moment just the way you are. But that's my sense of humor. Not everyone's cup of chai.

I think that Calorie Burner is for everyone who wants to look better in those naked yoga classes.

Just sayin'


  1. I wholeheartedly agree. I have been reading Yoga Journal for years now, and the advertising about weight loss programs and clothes that will make you look cute is my biggest complaint about the magazine. That being said, I understand that my subscription cost does nothing to cover the magazine's costs, and advertisements are therefore essential to the magazine continuing. I just wish it were more balanced. Thank you for pointing this out and helping all of us think about it openly.

  2. Separation of advertising and editorial is a two-way street; imagine if advertisers could influence editorial content (not that they don't, but that's the theory). And if YJ didn't accept ads that promised to make people look better, all the clothing ads would be gone and it would be a five page magazine!

    What saddens me, though, is that YJ used to take a few days to read through, and there were several articles like that. Lately, though, they've almost disappeared and that was the only article in the magazine that had any real substance. :(

  3. "And if YJ didn't accept ads that promised to make people look better, all the clothing ads would be gone and it would be a five page magazine!"


    YJ is a magazine filled with articles about non-attachment supported by ads for things to become attached to.

  4. actually, steven, I think if YJ stopped taking ads for stuff like this, they could easily pick up ad revenue from advertisers like socially responsible mutual fund companies, for one example. I've seen lots of those types of ads in other magazines.

  5. Lose 25lbs quickly! As usual, Linda, you're right on. I wish they would stop with this stuff. Just before I read your post, I was feeling frustrated about my local NPR station (KCRW) running an ad for Monsanto. Bad enough that it's Monsanto, but then the ad says that they're "committed to sustainable agriculture, etc." Tangential comment, but anyhow... I feel ya.

  6. i have a free subscription to yj... but i wouldnt pay for that crap. yuck.

    ps... what's trolling?

  7. My friend, you totally rock! Looove your sense of humor...


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