
18 June 2010

feel good friday

It's been a long time since I've been able to listen to Macy Gray. Up until very recently her music reminded me of an extremely painful time I went through a few years ago, an incident that manifested PTSD. So I look at my posting of her new video as a small victory. And I liked the title.

I taught my favorite class last night, my karma yoga at a domestic violence shelter. Despite what y'all read here about yoga economics, who signs up for workshops, yoga studio owners, whatever, it's not all about that. I love the ladies there because they are my teachers AND they understand intuitively the true purpose of yoga and meditation. They are grateful and beautiful and amazing and we empower each other. gardens rock!

This photo is from last year. I added new prayer flags in the gardens and seeing them outside my kitchen window every morning makes me smile intensely and immensely. It's going to be hot and steamy today and I'll still be out there digging in the dirt because life is too short.

As for everything else....what I say, what I write, my life, my path, I can only be true to myself. This blog is a combination of the sacred and the profane just like I am. If that makes someone uncomfortable, oh well. Go read Eat Pray Love instead.

From a non-conformist business newsletter I get:

"...if what you're doing is truly innovative, not everyone will understand in the beginning, and maybe you should just go for it. Lately I've been thinking about what Henry Ford said: 'If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said ''faster horses.''"

From a student:

"While not everyone is ready for you, those that are will garner great experiences and make important adjustments in their life because of you and your impact."

Yeah, I need these reminders.

Beauty in the world, yo.

1 comment:

  1. I've always loved Macy. Well, on and off, but yeah, I love her.

    You've not really talked much about your PTSD, but then I guess this is a yoga blog. Of course, I'd love to hear more if you felt like it.

    I think I'm going to be looking to you as a bit of a sounding board when my community classes start in a couple of weeks. If that's okay... coz I've got no idea (really) what I'm walking into. And I do agree, teaching is a huge learning.

    Anyway, glad you're feeling good and in the groove of it all. xo


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