
29 April 2010

holding feet to the fire

I received an email today from Yoga Journal asking my permission to publish my email to them as a letter. This is what I had to say about their ad choices:

"On page 53 of the latest Yoga Journal there's an ad for Slim Quick Ultra Calorie Burner to lose weight. In the same issue there is a story that the healing power of yoga will cure what ails America without pills or surgery.

Some magazines don't accept advertising for products that are anathema to their magazine's philosophy.

Apparently Yoga Journal does not have those same advertising ethics.

I think that Calorie Burner is for everyone who wants to look better in those naked yoga classes.

Just sayin'"

Yoga Journal may not consider moi as having one of the best yoga blogs (but YogaDawg stuck up for me), but they love my letters! Years ago they also published one of mine about how yoga is not one size fits all.

Somebody's gotta do it.....


  1. That's great news! And interesting that YJ are open to procuring constructive criticism like this! ;)

  2. yeah, but will they get my tongue-in-cheek comment about the naked yoga classes...or think I am serious?

  3. Haha, I don't think that's something we can answer, only speculate about ;)

  4. Well done! Those diet pill, weight loss and other such ads have always bothered me in YJ. Good for you for doing something about it!

  5. Good for you! Hope you have a great weekend:)

  6. you rock, linda! what an inspiration!

  7. Whilst I do agree with what you've written, I wonder why YJ are soliciting your views as they are so anti the values and ethos they now represent? Seriously, I wonder whether it's a marketing ruse to fire up people to write letters in. I borrowed a couple of the most recent copies of YJ from the library this week and wondered what had happened - so very little of substance in it now - lots and lots of ads. Very sad given that it used to be more informative and true to the values of yoga. There's the odd article I can photocopy to use in my practice but I wouldn't buy it and I wonder who does these days?

  8. Hi, Linda. Great letter, and oh, that video! It's hilarious, yet, like the best humor, strangely reflective of the truth, like what men want in women, for example.

    (My favorite scene, four-armed Olga with the severed head of a somewhat surprised but not unhappy guy who looks a little like Mel Gibson. Reminds me of my first wife.)

    I've been thinking of doing a YogaDawg retrospective by running through all his best work from the past as new blogs on Elephant Journal. Do you think this is a good idea? It's such a shame to let such a brilliant body of satire not get out there more. (We should make your newer readers aware that it's all available for your infinite entertainment at I haven't asked YogaDawg yet.

    By the way, I love your new blog look.

    Bob Weisenberg


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