
04 May 2010

"Yoga For A World Out Of Balance"

Many thanks to Michael Stone for sending me this passage from his book Yoga For A World Out Of Balance: Teachings on Ethics and Social Action and allowing me to use it for a blog post. This excerpt resonated with me on such a deep level that it gave me pause, especially the sentence: "Yoga teaches us that everything is connected to everything else in the ongoing flux and flow of reality, beginning in the microcosm of the mind and extending all the way through the myriad forms of life."

Sometimes the seemingly most simple insights are the most profound. Over the course of my yoga life I have had more than few epiphanies where the realization of the above sentence sent shock waves through my cells. Once at the Monterey Bay Aquarium where I sat transfixed before the tank containing the kelp forest and having such a deep visceral knowledge of interconnectedness that I felt it in my bones. And in my heart.

Again at the bottom of Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania in March as I watched the wildebeast migration.

Yesterday as I was gardening when I pulled up an oak tree seedling and found the acorn still attached to the root. As I studied the oak in my hand I remembered the words from William Blake's poem: "To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."

There is knowing...and then knowing that you know.

In joy.....


"The human world is continually speeding up while the non-human world of plants, insects and animals, with its once vast range of ecological diversity, is rapidly declining, causing irreversible symptoms throughout the web of life. A spiritual practice exclusively concerned with my enlightenment, my transcendence, or my emancipation from this life, this body or this earth is not a spiritual practice tuned into these times of ecological, social, physical and psychological imbalance. The declining health of our ecosystems and the call for action in our cities, economies, communities and families remind us that we don’t have time to wait for enlightenment in isolated caves or interior sanctums; instead, it’s time to consider action-in the world and inner practice as synchronistic and parallel. Action in the world is not an externally imposed duty or simply a preliminary stage on the path to greater awareness but is in itself a valid spiritual path and an expression of interdependence, freedom and awakening.

By seeing the inseparability of psychological change, ethical action and spirituality, we can avoid the common fragmented and problematic view that spiritual practice takes us away from the world, excluding the body, householder life and pressing contemporary issues like poverty, injustice, environmental degradation or other forms of inequality and suffering. Yoga teaches us that everything is connected to everything else in the ongoing flux and flow of reality, beginning in the microcosm of the mind and extending all the way through the myriad forms of life. Yoga also claims freedom from suffering as its primary objective. It is from these realizations that our spiritual, ethical and contemplative practices originate and mature. Wherever there is imbalance and suffering, yoga shows up.

Because of the sweeping changes of the modern era - including genetic research, the telephone, internet, high rates of literacy, swift air travel, two column accounting systems and faster and faster lifestyles - the iron-age world view out of which yoga teachings began to be described and refined can only offer us a partial platform, path and set of truths. We begin in this culture at this time, so we must begin now to articulate and re-envision a yoga that is responsive to present circumstances – rooted in tradition yet adaptable and alive in contemporary times. Yoga has always represented a radical path that leaves behind stiff metaphysics and doctrine and instead turns the practitioners’ attention inward to the immediate experience of mind and body. The yogin studies the nature of reality as it presents itself here and now. As we turn toward the mind-body process we begin to open to the temporary nature of our lives as well as the fact that we are inextricably woven into the very elements that constitute everything else – we are the natural world. For too long, yoga has been mischaracterized as an inner practice without understanding the teleology of practice. Yoga practices tune us into reality by waking us up to the inherent transience of earthly life, the freedom that arises when wanting is relinquished, the truth that no thing is “me” or “mine,” and the basic intelligence of the mind, body and the life that supports us. The term “yoga” connotes the basic unity and interconnectedness of all of life including the elements, the breath, the body and the mind. The techniques of yoga – including body practices, working with the breath and discovering the natural ease of the mind – reorient the practitioner to the very deep continuity that runs through every aspect of life until we realize that mind, body and breath are situated in the world and not apart from worldly life in any way.


When I began practicing yoga my primary focus was the physical practice of yoga postures and every morning for the first six years, I woke up to practice at five o’clock , six days a week. I sat in meditation for an hour, followed by standing postures, twists, forward bends, an hour of back bending and inversions and finally breakfast. When I had any free time, I attended academic lectures on Indian philosophy, completed two degrees in psychology and religion and studied Sanskrit; but the formality of my practice began to feel separate from the world I moved through and I felt that formal practice and daily life had little in common. The connection between meditation, the physical practice of yoga, and the spiritual discipline to which it belonged became ambiguous and vague and though I could intellectually grasp the connection between waking up the body and stilling the mind, I didn’t understand how to put these practices into action in everyday life. While I was having significant insights in meditative practices, I felt formal practice and daily life were not seamlessly woven.

This is true for many contemporary yoga practitioners, and as I now teach extensively, the most common question I hear is how to integrate philosophy, body practices, meditation and daily life together with one’s role in relationships, concerns about the world around us, and the desire to take action in a world out of balance. Even when students begin having genuine experiences of insight or meditative quietude, I always ask them how they are going to incorporate these experiences into their daily activities. How does spiritual practice support and motivate our choices and ambitions? How can my personal enlightenment be the goal of practice if there is so much suffering around me? If the domain of any spiritual tradition is the relief and transformation of suffering, what does yoga, one of the great spiritual traditions, have to say about contemporary forms of suffering and existential disorientation ?

For the practitioner of hatha yoga - the meditative practice of waking up to present experience in mind and body - the link between yoga as a “practice” and a “spirituality,” is often realized through an intuition rather than through intellectual articulation. However, intuition is not enough; nor is it enough to imagine that yoga offers a complete set of codes or truths that can, like mathematical equations, tell us what to do in every given situation. The world is too complex, too nuanced, and is always shifting, therefore we need to investigate the practical ways that yoga practice matures both in formal study and in everyday life. Today, our personal, ecological and social situations present unique and direct challenges to each and every one of us to respond to the great existential questions of life and death, to look deeply into interdependence, and to fully actualize our awakening in a world distressed and in need. How is our awakening going to contribute to the world-at-large? Why is our spiritual path important for the great rivers, the butterflies and the architecture of our cities?"


  1. Thank you for your lovely post. I agree that we can no longer keep our practice "on the mountain." This is not so easy to accomplish when you are practicing only asana, but when incorporate all eight limbs of yoga into your practice, it necessarily extends into the world around you. I think this helps to bring us to the understanding of our interconnectedness, and that our actions, no matter how small, are consequential.

    I've been practicing and teaching mindfulness since the '80s. When students ask me how to bridge the gap between practice and life I suggest that they commit to doing one regular activity mindfully each day. It can be washing dishes, drinking tea, eating, walking, showering, etc. They're doing these things anyway—why not pay attention?

  2. i like thinking of my microcosmic brain as a simultaneous macrocosm!

  3. It's true - I've felt the same thing with my own practice. I've been given mounds and mounds of very traditional meditation, puja and other practices over the years. And while they're very beautiful, and when in the right setting (i.e. extended retreat) they make perfect sense, they do have very little to do with the day to day life I lead when I'm not on extended retreat.

    And the trick is always the integration process. I get a little better at it each time, but it still generally sucks!

    Since my last long retreat in 2008, I've wound back the formal practices a great deal. Taking Mark Whitwell's workshop this year, where he talks about asana as your senior spiritual practice makes sense to me, because it's a very effective bridge between traditional/formal practice (which I still do but not as much) and day to day life. Because we are in our bodies, our daily life impacts our practice and our practice impacts our daily life.

    And the less time we spend with our head in the clouds, the more practical and usable our spiritual life becomes. At least, it seems that way to me.

    How do I bring my day to day world into synch with my spiritual life? I try to make them one and the same thing. Because they are, even if they don't look like it much from the outside.

    Those moments like the one you described in the garden with the acorn still attached to the seedling tell us something very directly. And how I interact with the people I never meet but spend a lot of time near (on a tram, in the street) tells me things about reality and my perception of it indirectly. But they are still saying one and the same thing...

  4. "the Yoga Disease" -interesting blog post you might be interested in, from the Rediscovery of India blog

  5. here is the link referenced above....

  6. Great post Linda!

    Georg Feurstein certainly seems to be at the cutting edge of looking fearlessly at the implications of yoga and meditation practice. One can download his book "Green Dharma" for free and there is a companion book on Green Yoga as well as a shorter download on practical things one can do here:

    A number of his recommended yamas and niyamas truly go against the grain (e.g. no airline travel, eating locally and vegetarian/vegan only) but as usual with him everything is well-argued and in the spirit of the dharma. A nice complement to the superb talk from Michael Stone.


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