images from Photobucket.com
For a good read try "Dreams Don't Retire" on The Worst Horse website that says it's "pop- and sub-culture for dharma people, dharma for pop- and sub-culture people." So for all you dharma punx out there, check it out.
An excerpt from the "open letter to the Buddhist Baby Boomers":
"If you're a Boomer reading this now, odds are that you’re still engaged in peacework and positivity, whether as a Dharma practitioner or not. So if you still feel like a sell-out or a has-been sometimes, stop, and take stock of how the world has changed since you've been on the planet: Compassion is an everyday word. Environmental responsibility is not just a dream, but a legal principle. And you've turned out some pretty excellent kids and grandkids -- or at least we'd like to think so. In fact, it might just be that no generation -- not even ours -- has ever done more to make a better world. And you made it, pretty much, out of whole cloth."
Love it!
Wow- such beautiful pictures and a beautiful message to read today. I think sometimes we don't give ourselves enough credit for at least making our own little space around us a nice place to be! I know I always feel better when I come here, so thanks, Linda!
Thanks for sharing this, it's always nice to put things in perspective with what efforts the work of our world...
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